Academic Support

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, UCI remains committed to offering students an immersive and effective learning experience. Here are some of the resources that you can rely on to support your academic goals during this unprecedented time.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (OVPTL) is dedicated to the academic and future success of UCI’s student population. The OVPTL consists of the Division of Undergraduate Education, the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation, and the Division of Summer Session, and offers programs within each division to provide opportunities for student development and growth.

[expand title=”Career and Employment Services“]

[expand title=”SSI“]

Gateway Initiative – Book Loans and Tutoring Scholarships available for qualified students

[expand title=”Remote Learning and Academic Support“]

[expand title=”Housing and Other Basic Needs“]

Legal Resources and list of organizations:

[expand title=”Remote Learning and Academic Support“]

The Learning and Academic Resource Center (LARC) helps students advance academically through tutorials and workshops based on active learning strategies, peer-to-peer collaboration, campus partnerships, and leadership development. Students can access the following LARC resources:

  • LARC Tutorials:
    • LARC tutorials are available for Spring 2020 through Zoom. We hope that through our new online platform, students can develop a space to thrive academically, connect with other students, and learn new ways to reimagine their study systems. LARC Tutorial sessions will continue to incorporate fun study tools, interactive activities and collaboration with peers. Our leaders are here to assist students in succeeding as they transition to this new instruction style. We are committed to helping Anteaters feel connected to UCI, even while they learn remotely. We invite students to become part of our growing learning community, and zoom ahead with LARC! The tutorial schedule is live, and can be viewed here: Enrollment is open until Friday of Week 6.
  • LARC After Dark:
    • Spring drop-in services are still free and will be available through Zoom at regularly scheduled times. Times will be posted on our website main

page (

  • Support for Online Learners:

It’s important to us that we support students’ success as they transition to online learning. We will be providing resources through our Study Tips page, workshops, social media and direct email outreach.

[expand title=”Writing Center“]

The UC Irvine Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication, or Writing Center for short, helps students develop effective writing and communication skills through appointments with writing specialists, peer tutors, and consultations.

The Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication currently provides academic support for all UCI undergraduates in three ways:

Career and Employment:

Health and Wellness:

Housing and Other Basic Needs:

  • We are still partnering with UCI Housing to provide writing consultations to residents living on or off campus.

Keep an eye on our website for updates:

[expand title=”ANTrepreneur Center“]

The UCI ANTrepreneur Center is the main student Entrepreneur development center on UCI Campus offering a wide variety of resources, events, programs and services for UCI students interested in entrepreneurship. Students can come to the center to develop the skills necessary to start, operate or grow their business. Students can access the following ANTrepreneur Center resources:


Entrepreneur Journey during & after COVID-19

UCI ANTrepreneur Center

The UC ANTrepreneur Center helps students with their Entrepreneur Journey through consultations, presentations, and workshops based on the Entrepreneur Mindset Development, Stages of Entrepreneurship and a new Zoom Series called E2:  FAQ Series.

Students can access the following UCI ANTrepreneur Center resources:

Entrepreneur Mindset Development

During these Entrepreneur Mindset Development sessions, students will share where they are mentally as it pertains to beginning their Entrepreneur Journey and learning how to not let life hold them back.

– Zoom Sessions: Information coming soon.

Stages of Entrepreneurship

Getting the assistance you need to help you move your idea further is vital and the UCI ANTrepreneur Center is here to help. During these zoom sessions, students will be able to share where they are now and where they want to go.

– Zoom Sessions: Information coming soon.

E2:  FAQ Series

Students can attend a zoom session to learn more about the most common questions that relate to entrepreneurship.  The more questions students ask the bigger the E2: FAQ Series will grow.

– Zoom Sessions: Information coming soon.

[expand title=”CHC“]

The Campuswide Honors Collegium is dedicated to supporting scholastic excellence and personal growth by combining the qualities of a liberal arts college with the unique opportunities offered by a major research university. Campus Honors students can leverage the following resources:

  • Student leadership is meeting through Zoom, and planning activities like remote CHC Coffee Hour
  • Participation in the CHC’s creative arts and literature publication
  • Meetings with the honors PAAs
  • Course planning workshops for CHC students

[expand title=”UU“]

The Undergraduate/Undeclared Advising Program (UU) helps first-year students who have not chosen their major explore their options and make informed decisions about their educational and career goals.  Students can access the following UU resources:

Remote Learning and Academic Support:

U/U Mentorship Program:

[expand title=”UROP“]

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) connects students with research opportunities from across all schools and academic disciplines, as well as from agencies outside of UCI. UROP also offers assistance to support students and faculty at all stages of the research process. Students can access the following UROP resources:


  • To learn about Remote Workshops, visit the UROP website.
